The Archbishop of Uganda will not be attending the next Global archbishops’ meeting

Stanley Ntagali, the Archbishop of Uganda will not be attending the next global meeting for Anglican leaders because of their stand on same-sex marriage.

Last year, he was angered by the American Episcopal Church’s decision to endorse same-sex relationships and he walked out of a gathering of archbishops in Canterbury.

In an interview with the BBC, he said he was not ready to engage with people who took ‘an unbiblical view of marriage.’

He also issued a statement saying that he would not be returning until “godly order” has been restored and the Bible returned to what he said is its rightful place “as the authority for our faith and morals”.

Nigerian archbishop Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon, the secretary general of the Anglican Communion, said in February: “I support the Bishops’ declaration that doctrine on marriage should not change – that marriage should be a lifelong commitment between a man and woman.”

In a statement in 2016, The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby said “personally the fact that people are persecuted for their sexuality is a constant source of deep sadness. As I said in the press conference on the final day of the meeting, I am deeply sorry for the pain that the church has caused LGBT people in the past – and the present – and for the love that too often we have completely failed to show in many parts of the world, including England. The worst thing about that is that it causes people to doubt that they are loved by God.”

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