Liberian Presidential Candidate Alexander Cummings says he will not support LGBT Rights

The presidential candidate and standard bearer of Liberia’s Alternative National Congress, Alexander B. Cummings has clarified his stand on LGBT rights.

According to FrontPageAfricaNews, he made the statement at the unveiling of his party platform in Monrovia. He said he is not in support of gay rights in Liberia and has no intention of legalising same sex marriage if he is elected President.

The reports say his remarks were a response to a female supporter, who was embarrassed that her Presidential candidate was in support of gay rights in Liberia after she had closed down her small business to campaign for the ANC leader.

He said that the reports were a tool by the opposition to discourage his supporters from voting for him at the elections adding that he is a Christian and his beliefs do not support the “lifestyle.”

Same sex relations are a misdemeanor under Liberian law.



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