Chronicle Launches CTA Video for LGBT History Month

Chronicle, the new collaborative visual storytelling platform, has launched a video for LGBT History Month showing the story of the LGBTQ+ movement through photos contributed by the community. The video is part of an effort to raise awareness of the LGBTQ+ chronicle (currently 1938 – present), a crowdsourced, ongoing visual record of the subject.

The video, features leading organizations and activists such as Equality Forum, the coordinators of LGBT History Month; Gwendolyn Ann Smith, founder of Trans Day of Remembrance; and YouTube influencers Mekkk and AreTheyGay.

“Now more than ever, it is important to preserve and share LGBTQ+ history,” said Steven McBride, Chronicle Founder/CEO. “We need to know and understand the past and present in order to create a better future, together.”

Watch below

Members of the LGBTQ+ community are invited to engage with the video as well as add their noteworthy photos with descriptions to the LGBTQ+ chronicle to be part of the visual history effort. The chronicle can be accessed at

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