“I feel just as much woman as I am man” – Sam Smith on his Gender Fluidity

Sam Smith is telling it all.

In an interview with The Sunday Times, the award winning performer revealed he doesn’t consider himself as a cisgender man.

He said

“I’ve got loads of heels at home. … People don’t know this, but when I was 17, I remember becoming obsessed with Boy George and Marilyn, and all that. There was one moment in my life where I didn’t own a piece of male clothing, really. I would wear full make-up every day in school, eyelashes, leggings with Dr Martens and huge fur coats — for two and a half years.”

He continued

“I don’t know what the title would be, but I feel just as much woman as I am man.”

Sam Smith is rumored to be dating 13 Reasons Why actor Brandon Flynn and his sophomore album titled The Thrill of It All is due out on Nov. 3.

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