GiveOut Launches to Raise Funds for LGBTQI Causes Worldwide

A new charity raising funds for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) causes worldwide has been established in the UK.

GiveOut will enable individual donors to give to a range of LGBTQI activists and organisations in a simple and engaging way.

“Around the world, activists are doing incredible work to promote and protect the rights of LGBTQI people. But the movement is underfunded, and it’s often not easy for donors to give support. Our research shows that in the UK just £150,000 (3 per cent) of around £5 million donated annually by individuals to LGBTQI causes goes to non-UK causes,” said Elliot Vaughn, GiveOut’s founder and the Chair of its Board of Trustees.

“GiveOut aims to address these gaps and create a new and sustainable source of funding for the global LGBTQI movement.”

Today it is being announced that GiveOut has been registered as a charity and that Rupert Abbott has been appointed as its Executive Director.

“We are delighted to welcome Rupert as our Executive Director. He brings over a decade of experience in human rights, a unique combination of skills and expertise, and a passion for improving the lives of LGBTQI people,” said Elliot Vaughn.

“I am honoured to build and lead this new organisation and excited about the potential to bring more funds in to the LGBTQI movement,” said Rupert Abbott.

“From discrimination and harassment to torture and killings, around the world people are facing horrendous human rights abuses based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.”

“GiveOut will help donors in the UK make a difference globally, providing those defending the rights of LGBTQI people with more of the resources they need. We will be consulting widely across the movement to identify where our donors’ support is needed most.”

GiveOut is in start-up phase and those interested in finding out more can register for updates at, or follow the organisation on social media (@GiveOut_Org).


This is a press release from Give Out


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