Zambian Police seeks to arrest “lesbian couple”

Police in Zambia are currently circulating the picture of an alleged lesbian couple, asking the public for any information that can lead to their arrest.

Zambian media platform, Mwebantu is reporting that the police in Lusaka have been flaunting their relationship and intimate pictures on social media adding that officers from the Cybercrime unit have instituted investigations in the matter.

In Zambia, it is an offence for people of the same sex to engage in an intimate relationship or sexual affair .

Section 158 subsection 1 and 2 of the Penal Code Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia addresses Indescent Practices between Persons of same sex. Section 158 (2) states that  “Any female who, whether in public or private , commits any act of gross indecency with a female child or person, or procures a female child or person to commit any act of gross indecency with her, or attempts to procure the commission of any such act by any female person with herself or another female child or person whether in public or private, commits a felony.”

Any person convicted of this offence is liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than seven years and a maximum sentence of fourteen years.

Further, section 155 (a) of the Penal Code under Unnatural Offences, criminalises canal knowledge against the order of nature and anyone found guilty is liable to imprisonment for a term not less than fifteen years while the maximum sentence is life imprisonment.

The police however did not confirm if the ladies were caught in the act.


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