Theresa May ‘deeply regrets’ the UK’s anti-gay colonial laws

Following various petitions and protests from many groups urging the British Prime Minister to apologise for the UK’s anti-gay colonial laws, Theresa May told 53 leaders of various commonwealth states at their annual summit, that she “deeply regrets” the laws. May said the laws were wrong then and are wrong now.

They were passed during the British rule and 37 of the commonwealth states still impose the laws; with some having stricter penalties like the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act in Nigeria.

Belize and the Seychelles repealed the law in 2016.

She also urged the Commonwealth nations to overhaul “outdated”, colonial-era legislation that treats members of the LGBT community as criminals.

“As a family of nations we must respect one another’s cultures and traditions. But we must do so in a manner consistent with our common value of equality, a value that is clearly stated in the Commonwealth charter.” May said in her address. “There remains much to do. Nobody should face persecution or discrimination because of who they are or who they love. And the UK stands ready to support any Commonwealth member wanting to reform outdated legislation that makes such discrimination possible.”

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