Ghana’s religious coalition starts an annual prayer and fasting festival against LGBT persons.

Ghana’s LGBT community is under new pressure as a religious coalition in Ghana is attempting to influence a new bill criminalizing the LGBT community in the Ghana. The spokesperson for the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values; Mr Moses Foh Amoaning said his outfit would soon present a draft bill to Parliament to criminalized homosexuality and start an annual prayer and fasting festival as part of activities aimed towards safeguarding Ghana from “any spiritual and physical maneuverings and takeovers from foreign manipulations”.

The three-day prayer festival, which would be held in PRIDE month from June 28 through July 1st, 2018, would be organised concurrently in the district and regional capitals with the mega event to be hosted at the Independence Square, all aimed at praying out forces behind the spirit of homosexuality and lesbianism, gradually infiltrating into Ghana. Although same-sex activity is already illegal in Ghana, the bill, entitled ‘Comprehensive Solution Based Legislative Framework for Dealing with the Lesbianism Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Phenomenon’, seeks to place LGBT people into one of two categories of behaviour. Their category would determine what punishment or treatment they receive.

Mr Moses Foh Amoaning, went on to stated that the bill would be put before Parliament in September this year. The coalition drafting the bill is made up of Ghana’s three main religious bodies – the Christian Council of Ghana, the Ghana Muslim Council and Amadhiya community, and the Traditional Rulers. He also alleged that HIV was first found among some homosexuals in California in the USA and said homosexualism was never a “natural occurrence” as scientists who undertook a human Geno-project study over 50 years ago, could not name one single gene that make a human, a homosexual, so those who claim homosexual was an inborn thing should stop that propaganda.

So there is no scientific basis for it, at best, it is an abnormality which needs treatment”. Mr Foh-Amoaning said that fathom 10 per cent figure of alleged population of homosexual community in Ghana was never true and that there was no such data, adding that the propagandists just wanted to hide the real nature of their behaviour, and so they were using false data to swell up their numbers.

“They want to move the argument from behaviour to identity. We will not allow them to push that, LGBT is not a human right. It’s a sin and a country which does not accept it does not infringe on any right,” he stated. Mr Foh-Amoaning said the National Coalition for Proper Sexual Human Rights and Family Values would continue to seek to forcefully articulate the correct position on proper human sexual behaviour and propose a modern comprehensive solution-based legislation for dealing with abnormal sexual behaviour and tendencies.

The Rustin Times recognizes this war on LGBT persons for what it is; A bid to stare up violence and impose religious law on innocent Ghanaian citizens who identify as LGBT persons. Hopefully there is a voice of reason standing against this injustice in Ghana and the rest of Africa.

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