Kenyan Court says LGBT Group can register as an NGO

The LGBTIQ community in Kenya can celebrate another milestone as a court affirmed that the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGHLRC) can officially register under the Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination (NGO) Act.

Three judges dismissed the appeal by the NGO coordination board, agreeing with the High Court that ALL, including LGBT persons, should be allowed to form an organization and that what is criminalized is the act (in the penal code) and not the person, the Kenyan.— The Commission (@NGLHRC) March 22, 2019

This is the second time the group has been allowed to register as an NGO.

The NGO coordination board had refused to register the group because of Kenya’s penal code that criminalises same sex relationships. BBC is reporting that the judges said that human beings should not be denied their fundamental human rights because of how they choose to live their lives.

Last year, the NGHLRC won it’s case appealing the use of forced anal examinations. However the Commission and the LGBT community in general awaits it’s biggest ruling yet; the repeal of Section 162 that bans same-sex relationships in Kenya. It is expected on May 24.

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