Gay Marriage has come to the Cayman Islands

It is great news for the LGBT community in the Cayman Islands as a court has ruled that the government had no right to refuse a marriage license to Chantelle Day and her partner, Vickie Bodden Bush.

Openly is reporting that the couple went to court after they were refused permission to marry last year. The judge, Chief Justice Anthony Smellie, in his ruling said the move was a violation of the constitution and has ordered changes to the law that restricts marriage to heterosexual couples.

Their lawyer, Peter Laverack (who had also represented Jason Jones in his landmark case in Trinidad), shared the news in a series of tweets

Attorney General Samuel Bulgin represented the government in the suit and Cayman27 is reporting that he finds the judgement “interesting” and that the government will consider how to move forward.

The legal team for the couple said the ruling could have consequences for four other Caribbean British Overseas Territories that don’t permit same-sex marriage or civil partnerships. They are Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, Montserrat, and Turks and Caicos Islands.

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