Masturbation: Your burning questions answered

There are so many myths around masturbation that it’s not surprising people have lots of questions about it. We answered your main queries. 

Is it ‘evil’?

Medically, the answer is a firm ‘no’. Culturally, and especially from a religious point, the answer is far more complicated. Some cultures and religions are very open to masturbation and see it as a normal practice. Others, however, say it’s wrong and even evil.

In the end, you are the only one who can decide whether you want to do it or not. If in doubt, talk to someone you trust to get their input.

Is it bad for women?

Masturbation is a healthy habit, for people of all ages. Don’t worry about the negative things you may have heard about self-love: they are all myths! Masturbation isn’t harmful from a medical standpoint. On the contrary: it can teach you a lot about yourself, your body, and what brings you pleasure.

How do men masturbate?

Men usually masturbate by stroking or rubbing their penis at different speeds and intensities until they are aroused and have an orgasm. Many men fantasize about sex or watch porn while they do it. All of that is completely normal.

What’s the effect of it?

Masturbation can be great for stress relief, and it has even been shown to increase your levels of happiness. And, of course, it provides sexual satisfaction. Through masturbation, you also get to know your body, your likes and dislikes.

You may have heard that masturbation causes weak erections, infertility, premature ejaculation, and blindness but those are all myths. Otherwise, there would be far fewer babies in this world.

If someone has masturbated for a long time, can they still stop?

Yes, absolutely, but you don’t really have to. Masturbation is a normal part of a healthy sex life.

However, very few people will become addicted to masturbation. If you find yourself having a hard time concentrating or falling asleep if you don’t masturbate a few times a day, you may have a problem. Please seek help from a professional if you think you have an addiction problem.

Can it affect man’s power during sex?

No, that’s another myth. Self-love neither makes a man (or woman) weaker during sex, nor does it affect the quality or quantity of sperm.

If you are having sex after a long dry-spell during which you have only masturbated, you might experience either premature or delayed ejaculation, as you are unfamiliar with the sensations. This should change quickly though, as you have more sex.

Does it lower a person’s self-esteem as it is associated with the fear of discovery and humiliation?

If it does, this is due to a person’s environment. Things only become shameful if you are told that they are something you should be ashamed about.

Masturbation is natural and healthy, and there is nothing to be ashamed of if you do it.

Does masturbation have an effect on wet dreams?

Yes. Wet dreams generally happen when men aren’t very sexually active and sperm isn’t being released. So, if you aren’t having a lot of sex and would like to stop the wet dreams, you can masturbate and reduce the chance of having nocturnal emissions.

Do you have any other questions we can answer? Leave a comment below, or get in touch with us on our Facebook pages for Africa and Nigeria. The Health section of The Rustin Times is a collaboration with Love Matters Naija.

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