The Refugee Coalition of East Africa Introduces New Leadership

On Thursday 27 June 2019 The Refugee Coalition of East Africa (RefCEA) hosted the 2nd annual International LGBTQI Refugee Day.  The day began with RefCEA’s general meeting to discuss accomplishments and setbacks over the last year and discuss the Strategic Plan for the development of LBGTQI refugees organizations in East Africa. At the meeting, new leadership for RefCEA was elected and later confirmed by the Advisory Board. The current, expanded Secretariat for RefCEA is as follows:

Executive Director: Craig Paris

Deputy Director: Bulyaba Dhalie

Finance Director: Hudson Frederick

Deputy Finance Director: Hussein Vanilla 

Secretary: Kennedy Isoke Baguma

Deputy Secretary: Dewey Ronald Mutebi  

Communications Advisor: Keneth Tumukwasibwe

Communications Officer: Drake London 

Assistant Communications Officer: Kabonge Danniel 

Field Officer: Raymond Nature 

Following the event, RefCEA also elected two new members to the Advisory Board: former Executive Director Jacob Ssekitto and former Secretary Shadia Naluzze (after being recently resettled to the U.K.), who will join current Board members Michael B. Clark, Kelly Imathui, and Cameron Kakande.

The 27 June event also consisted of festivities to celebrate all LGBTQI refugees. Food was served and the day of celebration included live performances, music, dancing, and a fashion show. The day was attended by more than 250 persons from all over Nairobi and the surrounding areas. The day was an astounding success and served to provide a sense of community and hope for LGBTQI refugees in the region.

The newly expanded Secretariat of RefCEA is thrilled at the success of the event, excited to welcome new members, and ready to face the many challenges ahead. With strength and solidarity, we will work with each other and our community to persevere in the fight for a peaceful and loving existence with equal rights for all.

The Refugee Coalition of East Africa (RefCEA) is a registered community organization for and by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers. RefCEA was established to unite the various independent LGBTQI refugee organizations in East Africa under an umbrella organization in order to facilitate long-term planning, advocacy, and representation, and to provide fiscal management and fundraising support for its members. Additionally, RefCEA oversees research initiatives representing the LGBTQI refugee community and works toward improving conditions for refugees during the resettlement waiting period. Current membership consists of: Community Support Initiative for Refugees, Natures Network, Refugee Flag Kakuma, Urban Legacy Africa, and Arise Network Africa.

This piece is a press release from The Refugee Coalition of East Africa

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