COVID-19 pandemic

New Documentary explores the impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQ+ persons and sex workers

The title of the documentary is ‘In the Eyes of a Pandemic’. The entitled pandemic is the current coronavirus pandemic. The documentary was organised by EAVA [East African Visual Artists], an organization that uses art and film to highlight the predicament and advocate for the equality of key populations.

The premise of the documentary is simple: the impact of COVID-19 on LGBT and sex workers community in Uganda, the strategies deployed by community members and organisation through the lockdown and how to adapt to the new normal to continue advocating for justice and human rights for all.

Based on a report by Centre for Human Rights, LGBTQ+ have experienced restricted access to shelters and community centres, restricted access to health services, threats from hostile/homophobic lockdown environments, increased mental health problems, social discrimination and attacks, and misuse of power by state actors during the period of the pandemic.

According to Kuchu Times, the documentary will be released soon. Fingers crossed.

Watch the trailer for the documentary below:


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