INEND releases anthology on dating by Queer Kenyans

INEND Releases Anthology on Love and Dating by Queer Kenyans

The Initiative for Equality and Non-Discrimination (INEND), a local not-for-profit organisation that champions equality and inclusion in Kenya, recently released an anthology of stories by Queer Kenyans.

“Roses are red, violets are blue, we are excited to share with you this beautiful Anthology by Queer Kenyans highlighting the different digital dating realities for Queer people,” INEND said via an official statement on Twitter. “These stories are so relatable, too! When you meet someone on Tinder, move the chat to WhatsApp, and later meet up and feel all the sparks. As you read this, may the words bring happiness, laughter, inspiration, nostalgia, pleasure, creativity and a celebration of love.”

The Anthology, titled ‘Dating in the Digital Age’ contains 12 stories that explore the many ways Queer persons in Kenya are experiencing love, relationships, and romance in the digital age.

The Anthology was supported by The Association for Progressive Communication (APC) and edited by Abigail Arunga.

Download the anthology for free via this link.

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