Our City Film Project is a film collective in Cape Town, showcasing the work of filmmakers from different cities to...
The winners of the 2017 edition of the Cape Town International Film Market & Festival were announced in a grand event...
A documentary about the life of late British Singer George Michael is set for release. Titled “Freedom,” the documentary explores the...
Critically acclaimed South African film ‘The Wound’ is South Africa’s submission for the foreign-language category for the Oscars. The movie was selected by...
Award winning South African musician and actor (and our very own Cover Star) Nakhane has released the music video to...
We cannot talk about LGBT heroes without mentioning Marsha P. Johnson. She was one of the icons of the gay rights...
Playboy has a transgender playmate. Ines Rau is the first transgender playmate in the 64-year history of the magazine. According to...
Sam Smith is telling it all. In an interview with The Sunday Times, the award winning performer revealed he doesn’t...
On the the second episode of Out Of This World, Mykki Blanco explores fashion in Johannesburg to learn how South...
Lee Daniels was a guest on The Breakfast Club alongside Empire star Bryshere Gray and while on the morning show, he...
GLSEN, the leading education organization creating safe and inclusive schools for LGBTQ youth, will honor DC Entertainment with the Visionary...
13 Reasons Why star Brandon Flynn has come out as part of the LGBT community while making a case for...