The trailer for the new Grace Jones documentary is here. Titled ‘Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami’, the film was directed...
The second episode of Everything In Between is here and it has more drama and suspense. The show is produced by...
The times are truly changing. The CW just released the first trailer for Freedom Fighters: The Ray, its brand new...
Remember our post on The Wound early this week? Well, the film screened at the Durban International Film Festival and lead actor...
He gained international fame when his cover of Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi went viral landing him an appearance on Ellen. Since...
John Trengove’s The Wound is set for it’s U.S release. It chronicles the initiation rites of a South African tribe,...
There has been no great LGBT representation in animation. Until now. “In a Heartbeat” is a brand new animated short...
The Breakfast Club is known for pushing the boundaries with their choice of guests on their radio show. Still, sometimes...
Celebrity stylist and make up artist Iko Mash is dead. The transgender activist who was also one of the stars...
The wait is finally over. For years, we have longed for a human angle show that will deal with issues...
Love@FirstNight is a web series that everyone needs to watch. The project has been praised as depicting same sex relationships...
Following a successful screening at Écrans Noirs Cameroon, Tchindas will have a public screening at Douala Bessengué on Saturday. Tchindas is a...