Kakuma Camp
Image Credit: VOA News

LGBTQ Refugees Face Threats and Attacks at Kakuma Camp, Kenya

News reports by VOA News show that LGBTQ+ refugees in Kakuma Camp in Kenya are experiencing multiple attacks.  These attacks are being perpetrated by some other members of the refugee camp and local Turkana people.

Although Kenya is the only country in East Africa that accepts LGBTQ+ refugees, homosexuality is still punishable by up to 14 years imprisonment. On the 24th of May 2019, the High Court of Kenya refused to repeal its colonial-era laws which criminalized gay sex.

On the attacks at the refugee centre, VOA news reports that the spokeswoman for UNHCR Kenya, Eujin Byun, says they have attempted to set up a dialogue between refugees at the Kakuma Camp and the community leaders.

“We have to find a solution, even temporarily. Because this violence is not acceptable. And for UNHCR, their well-being is the priority,” she told VOA News.

Refugee camps in Kenya became an option only at the time when there was a surge in the amount of raids on safe houses and LGBTQ+ persons needed special protection. Over 300 refugees stay at Kakuma Camp in Kenya and reports show that only a few of them feel safe.

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